Sunday, October 28, 2007


After a lot of deliberation, I finally brought myself to start blogging. Here is the preface to my blog.

My interests, on which I will blog -

Computers - I'm a software developer by profession (not a good one thou). My main interest in computers is how they work and how I can make best use of it for my needs. I also tell my friends of common interests about the stuff I get to know. Upon some egging from a few of them, now I will blog about those stuff...

Reading - I enjoy reading - novels, blogs, articles and stuff... so, there might be some posts of such type as well.

Misc - wonder what comes here? check out this interesting site and/or video from google-tech-talk...


A word about the title of the blog "Summer Lightning". I recognized it immediately as the ideal title for a blog. My exuberance has been a little diminished since by the discovery that I am not the only one who thinks highly of it, already a number of blogs have been published under the same title. Now, I can only express the modest hope that this one will be considered worthy of inclusion in the list of the Hundred Best Blogs Called Summer Lightning.
